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Grade 10 Sustainability Collaboration with Grade 4

Grade 10 Sustainability Collaboration with Grade 4

In Gr. 10 Humanities, we studied the issues surrounding sustainability in urban environments in Quarter 2.  We decided to end the unit in December and January with a creative project where the Gr. 10s needed to create a video, illustrated children's book, or board game, that discussed issues around sustainability.  During that time, we learned that the Gr. 4 class was about to begin a unit in January on Environmental Systems and felt it would be a great opportunity for collaboration.  On Monday, January 13th, the Gr. 10 Humanities classes went to Gr. 4 to share their final projects.

students looking at laptop

In groups, Gr. 4 students moved around between Gr. 10 groups, discussing different issues around sustainability, prompted by the Gr. 10 projects. There were lots of great, challenging, questions, and thoughtful dialogue.  For instance, one Gr. 10 had chosen to discuss the problems created by deforestation.  In response, one of the listening Gr. 4s said, "Why are you telling us about this when it's obvious we have no power to do anything about it?"  In response, the Gr. 10 said, "Oh, but you can do some things" and went on to discuss some actions that a Gr. 4 student could take.  This was just one example of some of the great dialogue built through this collaboration between Gr. 4 and Gr. 10. 

There is a chance that at the end of the Gr. 4 unit on Ecosystems, they might come and share some of their conclusions with us.  If the timing works out, we look forward to continued dialogue on sustainability, which is so critical as we seek to keep our planet a good place for future generations.

multiple images of grade 4 students with grade 10 students

Grade 10 Sustainability Collaboration with Grade 4