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How ideas can and do change our world

How ideas can and do change our world
Parent Journey

Every aspect of our lives creativity matters.

Children need art and stories and poems and music as much as they need love and food and fresh air and play. 

Renowned author Bill Pullman

We have recently spoken of how ideas can and do change our world. This makes such clear and obvious sense as we have seen it time and time again - airplanes, computers, smart phones, and so on, have all utterly and dramatically changed our world forever--and yet where do these ideas come from? Is it not true that ideas are born in our imaginations? It seems to me that it all starts with the courage to dream, making connections and seeing things no one else could see. Can you imagine Einstein as an artist? Or Lionel Messi? Or maybe even Mahatma Gandhi? In every aspect of our lives creativity matters, whatever your life's chosen passion. Even in raising our children, just as in their own journey growing up, creativity is essential to finding our path forward in the healthiest ways possible. 

children looking at glowing screen and plastic numbers

A close friend once said to me that she saw me as an artist--a teacher in my title, but an artist in my heart. At first, I did not understand what she meant, but then she shared with me the idea of how I seek to craft my days with love for each child, each lesson, each and every action I take, and my willingness to stay open to making the most surprising connections, to inspiration. And she showed me how with each day, while I may frequently fall short, it is my wish to paint the perfect picture for these precious human beings in my care. Then I realized that perhaps she is right... maybe I am an artist… a teacher artist!

Are you an artist, as a parent, in your life’s work? 

Do you share your stories with your children? Do you feed their need for art and stories, poems and music? Cause remember, they need this like love and food, fresh air and play...

children looking at ipad

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How ideas can and do change our world