Developing All Our Writers
Parents Forum Parent Blog

Today’s lecture was led by Matt Glover who has been a teacher, principal and consultant for over 30 years.  

Matt shared how we need to support learning by understanding the concept of approximation in children’s writing (using the book Ish by Peter Reynolds as a reference to approximation).  The idea that he shared is that children are already writers as soon as they start making marks on a paper, just ask a child about what they are drawing and writing and they can explain each mark, as illustrations, words and action.  Matt encouraged parents to support writing by valuing what they create, focusing on what they have had success with, and then nudging them forward in something they can strengthen.  We often focus on the deficits in the learning rather than the skills of creativity and composition.  Matt explained that the ideas of composition and conventions are two tracks in the process of writing.  We need to address both as children learn how to write, supporting the ideas in creating and composing their stories, as well as guiding them in how the conventions of writing are used to standardise and strengthen communication.  

Unfortunately, we were not able to film his work for the public domain, but if you would like to learn more about Matt’s work please visit his website for tips, videos and literature supporting writing and developing young writers.

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